
Invisalign treatment vs braces: which is suitable for your smile?


Okay, you're totally sure you want to get yourself a straighter, brighter smile. The perks are obvious — you'll feel more confident, have fewer oral health issues, and you'll look a-maze-ing in pictures.

But there's one big question left to answer: should you get Invisalign or braces?

Invisalign treatment and braces both have things going for them, so the ideal way to make a decision is to talk to your dentist or orthodontist about what would work for you.

To begin with, we're going to quickly explain what each treatment is, and then list a bunch of categories to see which one is best in that situation. That way, you can start out with a decent idea of what’s what, before you talk to your dentist or orthodontist.


What are traditional braces?

Traditional metal braces are the classic way to straighten your teeth, consisting of metal brackets and wires secured by resin cement. Metal braces have been around since the 1800s1

With that being said, traditional braces do have some benefits — they're effective at treating a wide range of misaligned teeth conditions, and they're also usually a bit more affordable than other orthodontic treatments.

Depending on your needs, traditional metal braces generally take between 12 and 24 months2 to do their thing. 


What is Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment is a modern alternative to braces, consisting of a series of clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth and gently reposition them into a straighter smile over time. Invisalign clear aligners are made with SmartTrack material, which offers a range of benefits, such as comfort, speed and predictability.

Before you enter Invisalign treatment, you get your teeth digitally scanned and you can see your teeth straightening outcome in a matter of minutes even before starting your journey. Your clear aligners are swapped out for the next set in the series as your teeth continue to straighten.

Invisalign treatment usually takes around 12 – 18 months on average, but it can sometimes be quicker for some! Treatment with Invisalign clear aligners completed faster than treatment with braces.3


Invisalign treatment vs traditional braces — brushing and flossing

This is a big one, especially for anyone who already struggles to keep their teeth clean. With metal braces, you have to be extra careful when brushing and flossing around all of the metal hardware, which can be a pain (literally!) for some people. 

If you're not very consistent with cleaning your teeth with braces, you're more likely to develop cavities and other problems4

With Invisalign treatment, on the other hand, you can easily remove your clear aligners to brush and floss like normal, which makes it a lot easier to keep your teeth clean and healthy.


Invisalign treatment vs traditional braces — look and appeal

Well, we're not going to lie, it's gonna be pretty obvious that you are wearing traditional metal braces. If you're not into the look of metal hardware in your mouth, then braces might not be for you.

On the other hand, Invisalign clear aligners are practically invisible — unless someone is up close and personal with your mouth, they're probably not going to be able to tell that you're wearing clear aligners.


Invisalign treatment vs traditional braces — eating, ease of use, and comfort

If you happen to be someone who tends to get food stuck in your teeth, do read this. 

With traditional metal braces, the brackets and wires can make it harder for you to eat certain foods, like popcorn, apple or cracking that crab shell - not fun. And if you forget about a piece of food stuck in your braces, you run the risk of running into some oral health issues. 

On the other hand, Invisalign treatment is easy to use — all you have to do is pop out your clear aligners when you eat and put them back in after you're done. Plus, because there are no metal brackets or wires to worry about, Invisalign treatment is a lot more comfortable for majority of people.


Invisalign treatment vs traditional braces — cost

This is where traditional braces may have the advantage — they're usually a bit more affordable than Invisalign treatment. 

There are now a number of financing options available at the clinics for Invisalign to help make Invisalign treatment more affordable. Do speak with a clinic near to you to find out more.

Do consider the pros and cons for yourself for this important decision and decide what is the ultimate value you are getting for the costs! 


Invisalign treatment vs traditional braces — visits to the dentist

With traditional braces, you'll typically have to see your dentist or orthodontist every three to four weeks for adjustments. If you damage your braces in any way (which isn't) uncommon, you'll need to visit more often to get them fixed — sorry! The process of tightening braces can be a bit uncomfortable too, as the dentist needs to poke around in your mouth quite a bit. 

Invisalign treatment, on the other hand, uses special advanced software to generate customised aligners for each stage of your treatment, which means that your dentist simply needs to see if the clear aligners sit comfortably in your mouth once you pop them in. 

Depending on your needs, a visit every six to eight weeks should be enough — no more worrying about broken wires or brackets! With the My Invisalign app, you can also upload a photo of your treatment progress and check in with your dentist virtually via the Virtual Care and Virtual Appointment feature, which is pretty cool. 

Less visits to the dentist means more time to enjoy the things you love. Invisalign treatment is way more convenient and less intrusive than traditional braces, so we’re going to give the win to Invisalign treatment here.


What is better between Invisalign vs braces?

While it can be more expensive, Invisalign offers a range of benefits over traditional braces. It is for you to determine which solution gives you the most value for the investment. 

If you're looking for a way to get a straight smile without the hassle of traditional braces, Invisalign treatment might be right for you! 

If you want to learn more about Invisalign treatment, book consultation with an Invisalign dentist today by visiting our Find a Doctor page.


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Disclaimer: The information contained in this website are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please seek the advice of your health care provider with any questions you may have regarding any dental or medical-related condition and never disregard or delay seeking such advice because of something you have read on this website.